Peppered Cory Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2008
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My Peppered Corys have laid another 22 eggs this morning. It turns out i have 2 males & 2 females. Im not actually trying to get them to breed, they just wont stop. I am feeding them pellets, bloodworm & krill pellets(i think). Only problem is that none of the eggs have hatched so far. I put the last 2 batches in a breeding trap which has slits in the side which allows water to flow through. I also added an air stone. After all this they all still developed a fungus and never hatched. I am now thinking of using Drewrys advice and use an old ice cream container. My question is will the temp stay the same inside the ice cream container when its floated in the tank. Also will i have to carefully change the water everyday or more in the container before they hatch (can i just submerge it carefully and that way get a new load of water). I will also add the airstone.

Is there anything i am doing wrong or can do better.

Also will they stop breeding soon as surely i cant be good for the females laying that many eggs that often :)

Oh and the temp of the tank is currently at 24c (75f)

Hi cor2008

Are these corys in the same tank that your dosing with Meds?

From your posts in the cory section you havn't mentioned that you've been adding meds, yet in other posts you've made in a different section you're adding meds with the corys, because you're having problems with fish.

Maybe this is a factor why your getting no eggs to hatch.

Have you, after the meds, done water changes?

For one you have failed to tell others here that are trying to help you, what is really happening in your aquariums.

Again i'm not beening nasty, or getting at you.

You need to tell us whats happening for people here to give you the adivice you need.

If you can get a seperate tank going to put the eggs in after they have been layed you may have a chance to gain some fry.
Hi StrontiumDog,

The 4 corys are in a 110l tank on their own with no meds. I also have 6 tetra in a 60l quarantine tank which i asked about adding meds to yesterday but have still not added any today as i still dont know exactly what is wrong. As far as i can remember i have stated occupants of tank and tank size each time i posted about ever adding meds.

I did add meds (methylene blue) to the corys while they were in the 60l quarantine tank when i first got them as they were flashing off the gravel quite a lot. The problem calmed after a few days and as soon as the 110l was ready they were moved. That was about 2 1/2 weeks ago and no meds have ever gone into the 110l tank.

I would have posted if i had used any type of meds in the 110l as that possibly somehow may of affected things but since it was 2 1/2 weeks earlier in a different tank i didnt even consider it.

The only thing i can think of is my post about hydra which i have had for while but only found out what it definitely was 2 days ago. I also did a lot of reading on the net and have found out its harmless (except for if they actually hatched, and seen as they were placed in a separate container in the tank i also didnt think it was a massive problem and also wasnt relevant to asking a question about what is best to do with cory eggs). I also may have hopefully found a safe way for getting rid of hyra(nothing has been done yet) without affecting corys or eggs (made sure i checked this) so also didnt think it was an issue.

Also i am not tying purposely to breed the corys (and didnt plan on them laying more eggs this morning) as obviously dont know what i am doing hence all the questions. I actually included a bit in my last post about changing something to get them to stop breeding as i dont want to have to keep posting here asking what im doing wrong.

I am new to keeping fish and pretty keen to keep them healthy(while not spending all my time doing so) and am asking too many questions but have always tried to include relevant information while trying to keep the length of posts to a minimum(as i work full time and go to college by night and this was meant to be a relaxing pastime not a full time problem).
Hi cor2008,

Sorry if I sounded was over the top, I didn't mean to be. I just wanna help you out as much as I can.

I am new to keeping fish and pretty keen to keep them healthy(while not spending all my time doing so) and am asking too many questions

You're in no way asking too many questions, the more the better :good:

i dont want to have to keep posting here asking what im doing wrong.

One of the best ways to is learn is by mistakes, and why don't you want to keep asking what your doing wrong. maybe your not doing anything wrong and it's just sods law that its not working out.

I think you have just been unlucky and the fungus has spread to other eggs. With my plastic breeder trap that I am now using I find it alot easier to see the eggs and if they have turn white, you can get rid of them quicker.
The only reason I used the breeder net was because one of the holes in the plastic one is big enough for an egg to fall through.

You shouldn't have any issues with temps using an ice cream container as they are quite thin.

What is the temp of your tank? I'm asking this cause my last batch of eggs have taken 5 days to start hatching and the tank is at 23C (well thats what the termometer says)but i've only lost one egg up to now. When my temp was a couple of degrees higher they hatched in about 3 days.
Hi cor2008,

Sorry if I sounded was over the top, I didn't mean to be. I just wanna help you out as much as I can.

I am new to keeping fish and pretty keen to keep them healthy(while not spending all my time doing so) and am asking too many questions

You're in no way asking too many questions, the more the better :good:

i dont want to have to keep posting here asking what im doing wrong.

One of the best ways to is learn is by mistakes, and why don't you want to keep asking what your doing wrong. maybe your not doing anything wrong and it's just sods law that its not working out.

I think you have just been unlucky and the fungus has spread to other eggs. With my plastic breeder trap that I am now using I find it alot easier to see the eggs and if they have turn white, you can get rid of them quicker.
The only reason I used the breeder net was because one of the holes in the plastic one is big enough for an egg to fall through.

You shouldn't have any issues with temps using an ice cream container as they are quite thin.

What is the temp of your tank? I'm asking this cause my last batch of eggs have taken 5 days to start hatching and the tank is at 23C (well thats what the termometer says)but i've only lost one egg up to now. When my temp was a couple of degrees higher they hatched in about 3 days.

Hi StrontiumDog no problem at all. Thanks for the advice, worked out perfect. The tank temp is 24c and it took almost 6 days i think to hatch. Now have 6 baby corys that are a week old. Just bought them a small 7 liter tank from argos and will pick up a little heater aswell and hopefully put them in tonight so all good.

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