Peppered Cory Behaviour


Fish Fanatic
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Dorset, UK
Got 2 peppered corys, and they both act very differently.

one of them is addicted to swimming in the jet from my filter in the corner of the tank, doing backflips and spis in the current.

The other likes swimming up and down the sides of the tanks, then resing at the bottom, and repeating.

These are the first cory's i have got, so is this behaviour normal? I'm planning on adding more of a different type :)

Its normal- if your tank can handle additional fish I would recommend you get at least one more pepered cory and 2 or 3 would be even better.
The only normal thing about corys behaviour is the they don't behave normally.

If a cory is doing somthing it is ok, if it's not doing anything it's probally ok, if it looks sick then it is sick and if it's doing something totally unexpected of a cory then it's just being a typical cory & trying to shock (or frighten) you. :D

They love having fun, have fun watching them.

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