Peppered Cories Breeding... Help!


Nov 4, 2008
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watford, hertfordshire, england
i have 4 peppered cories (2 male 2 female) one of the females has no eyes (thanks to kribs from a long time ago),
she still breed ok, but when it comes to depositing the eggs, she eats them straight away

iv managed to save 3 eggs that she left on some java moss, and iv put them in a live worm feeder, with the moss, and its floating above the airstone in the tank

is there anything else i can do?
Hi mattbond :)

Some corys can be a problem when it comes to eating their eggs. I've never been very successful with C. paleatus (peppered corys) because mine would do this too. Other people have better luck.

The trouble you will have now is trying to raise just 3 fry. If you have a lot of plants, you can turn them loose after they hatch and hope for the best. Or, since you know they are spawning, try to catch more of them next time and set up a grow out tank for them.

Here's a link to an article that will give you some basic information about raising cory fry. After you read it. please don't hesitate to ask more questions. We'll be happy to help you, if we can.

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