Pepperd Corys Eggs


Feb 21, 2012
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Hi 2 days ago I noticed 2 of my peppered corys have a dance and then the t postion a few times and yesterday mornings there are eggs on one of my plant leaves, as the corys are still young not sure if fertalizing the eggs has worked?
How long before they hatch please ? would it be better to put a fry tank in my big tank and put leaf in there so no fish can get to them after they have hatched ? I have no room for another tank for them and my emergency tank is whey to small for fry :unsure:
Some advice please would be great
It will generally take a couple of days for cory eggs to hatch (you will know if they are fertile by the fertilized ones going dark while the unfertilzed ones will stay white or grow fungus), often dependant on tank temps. If you have a fry saver. tank/ net then put the leaf with the eggs in there to keep them safe and when the fry hatch they will be safe also.

Good luck
Hi cheers for answering , I will remember for next time as all was going well and eggs going dark but turn light on this afternoon and eggs have gone so guessing some one has had a munch on them :sad:

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