Pepperd Cory


Fish Addict
Apr 25, 2007
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It says they need a 30 gal but only get 2.5 inches... So, can they go in a 20 gal.H tank?
How many are you going to put? Also how many of what fish is going to be the tankmate? Also what water parameters?

If all the things above is acceptable, I don't see anything wrong with they going to be in 20H. But 20H is deeper than 10 or 20L so I would make sure there are enough oxygen in the water if I were you.
so they don't have to take too many trips to surface for air.
I have 11 in my 21 gallon, plenty of room for them all, mind you they arent fully grown but itl take a while before they are, plus i have other fish and my water parameters are fine, EVEN WITH A PLECO! Lol.
Yes, a 20 long will hold lots of Cories. I have a passel in mine. I run two filters. I won't say how many cause it might jinx us. The only thing with 20 longs is you don't get to watch the best of the Cory dances.

Frank is absolutely right, whoever is advising you is waaaay off.
so how big do they get? and how much oxygen shall i put in the tank. I have a 7" bubble wall that will be going into the tank... will that be enough? Plus a few other decor. that make bubles..
yeah, id like to know this also. A LFS(which i recently stopped shopping at) told me that the peppered cories can get up to 3.5 inches long. That doesnt seem right to me. I would like to add some more cory species to my 75 gallon, but ive read diferent opinions of how large certain types get.

pic of 2 of my corys

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