Peoples Ages Keeping Fish At

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It amazing how it starts. Last year we got the kids a fishtank for christmas. They always adored the fish section at the pet store. So we started with a little 10g tank with platys and swordtails. The kids lost interest in the fish of course, and don't go near the tanks unless I am doing something with them. Since that initial 10g, we now have 2 10g betta tanks, a 40g community, a 55g malawi tank, and a 75g Severum/Jewel tank lol

So much for getting the fish for the kiddies lol
26 and I voted to be in the 20-26 section not the 26-30, 5 months of hanging onto the lower section lol. Been keeping fish for 2 and a half years.
42 year old noob here....3 months in.
But my father kept tropical tanks and a koi pond most of my life, and I would help with the dirty work....
Didn't take real interest until after he passed so I could keep his koi pond going, and give my son the same memories I have.
And now I am completely obsessed dreaming of my next tanks;)
im 40 and have had 2 guppys now for just a few days. im a fish virgin :lol:
33 and fairly new to the hobby. We've had a beta for a year. But I'm going to say officially only 6mos. Betta is much happier now that I know what I'm doing :blush:
Kept fish for fifteen years now. Mostly clown loaches of late but black mollies and pleco's have been a success in the past.
I'm 24. I've been keeping bettas since I was 11, and am constantly surprised by the new things I learn! I had my first betta, Oscar, for 5 years. He got me hooked on them!

One of these days I'll have a big community tank...but it will be when I move out. :rolleyes:
End of this month it will be exactly a year! I'm 47 and know a lot more about dogs than fish. That's why I love visiting here, still so much to learn, lol! :rolleyes:
13. I've learnt alot from wonderful people on here. A few people who seem to help me quite often (there's more these are just off the top of my head) are dieses madchen, minnnt, fishy friend2, prime ordeal, and many others. I'm about 5-6 months into the hobby. My parents said I'd lose interest within 6 months but it's not very likely ;)

EDIT: spellcheck seems to have turned people into a bad word lol.
Im 26 and been keeping fish for the past 18-20 months. Started with a small com tank but the missus has aloud me to upgrade to a 62gl tank for christmas. As far as im aware there hasent been anyone in the family that has kept fish, but a friend of mine came to the rescue and got me hooked. Many thanks to all that have helped and been patient with my questions. :good:
I'll be 42 in a few months time, but I got my first fish when I was three ( a black moor for a bowfronted plastic tank, no filter; he didn't last long :-( ) and have kept fish, almost without a break, ever since! Just can't stay away ;)

You youngsters have no idea how lucky you are to be keeping fish nowadays, with all the great information and equipment that's around now!
Started my involvement with tropical fish when I was six years I'm 50.
always had MTS from that point on.
Lots of things have changes since those early days..
I'm 58 and have had fish for 16 years. It all started with the four goldfish my sons won at the fair. Am I the only person on here who had fish BEFORE they had a tank? These fish spent their first night in our house in a mixing bowl. Gave them away to someone with a pond 9 months later and went tropical.

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