People With Breeding Knowledge...

I'm not an experienced breeder, but I've been studying genetics at uni and this got me interested.

From what I understand DT is recessive to single tail. If you cross a DT with a single tail, you'll get nearly all singetail fry, but with about 75% of them carrying the recessive DT trait. Cross one of these babies back with a DT in an F2 and you'll get about 50% DT fry.

The DT apparently can help to increase the volume of the finnage, so I'm sure they'll be beautiful babies. :wub:
Crossing DT to ST that doesn't carry the DT gene will get you 100% STs, all of which carry the DT gene. Half moons are usually DT carriers though, so it wouldn't be unreasonable to expect 50% DTs.

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