Pentazona barbs


Fish Herder
Aug 6, 2004
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i dont have much knowledge of barbs as i have never kept them myself, but what sort of fish can u keep with pentazona barbs, i have seen them described as peaceful community there anything i should know?
Barbus pentazona
found in S.E. Asia: Borneo, Malayan peninsula, Singapore
A peaceful fish that wont nip fins of its tankmates. A good solution to the fin-nipping Tiger Barbs. Keep in groups of 3 or more.
Feed with Flakes, live or frozen foods
temp range 23°C - 26°C/73°F - 79°F
adults are 5cm
males become red tinged when in the mood they can have longer finned tankmates without ne worries
Barbus pentazona is quite a sensitive fish, easily stressed. Very attractive, and without the issues associated with Tiger Barbs which it superficially resembles. Will not tolerate poor water conditions, much more sensitive then TB's.

Once established, (they travel badly), they are easy enough to keep providing the water quality is maintained. They eat well and are not difficult to breed.

There are four recognised sub species. Barbus pentazona pentazona has 4 stripes, B. p. partipentazona has 4½ stripes, an incomplete stripe under the dorsal fin, B.p. hexazona has 5 stripes and the jewel, B. p. rhombocellatus which has 4 stripes which break in two part way and rejoin lower giving the fish a "row of diamonds".

The various subspecies will spawn with each other and produce highly variable results - mostly resembling B. p. partipentazona.
wow that last bit of information was interesting thankyou... :clap:

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