Pentazona Barbs.....


New Member
Jul 21, 2007
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i am in the process of cycling my first tank and while i am waiting i have been giving some thought to who is going to live there! i read a profile of pentazona barbs which made it seem like they look a lot like tiger barbs but dont come with the nipping tendencies - is this a reasonably fair assessment of them?

i would like to have tiger barbs but i also want guppies and i realise that they wont get on too well so i thought that pentazonas may be a good compromise, are there any tankmates that they wont mix with?

Pentazona Barbs are gr8 fish to have in the aquarium. They do not nip fins and they do prefer a planted aquarium. They look like tiger barbs but IMO they look betetr as they are more streamlined. They wont mix well with angels because of their small size they may get eaten.
thats great thanks!

the tankmates i had in mind for them were some guppies and some tetras so hopefully they are peaceful enough! i agree with you on how great they look too!

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