

Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2005
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South Coast NSW Australia
Hi all,
I am relatively new to all of this fish/plant keeping. I have a 6 gallon and a little while ago (maybe 4 weeks) I got an amazon sword (I think) and some Pennywort. The sword is going fine, and the Pennywort is just perplexing. There is tons of new growth, but the bottoms are going brown and gack. I have today taken out all of the brown bits and replanted the nice good green bits, but I expect that in a day or two that the bottoms will be brown again.
Why are they growing so well if the bottoms are not going well?
Any suggestions??
Thanks :)
How much do you prune? Alot of plants continue to grow and there botum leaves die or go yellow. Prune hard and they should be good. Which reminds me....*off to prune....
thanks mate, that is good to know. Should the 'stalk' of the plant go brown too? It just looks like it is dying from the bottom up. Maybe this wouldn't happen if I got to the leaves as soon as they were not bright green?
Wouldn't it look a bit funny as they keep growing up and I keep taking leaves off the bottom? I am sure this is probably a really simple thing :rolleyes: , but I am having a really blonde day (no offense intended to any natural blondes :p )
Maybe the plant you thought you brought is acvtually not an aquatic plant? How sure are you that you have a true aquatic, caus eif the stalk is dying too, it may be terrestrial. Any photos?
Here are the 2 pictures for your Mr Miagi
The ones that I replanted are ok so far, but they are also very small. I suppose if you don't have any suggestions I will just wait and see what happens.....


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