Penguin mini or whisper mini?


May 13, 2004
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Manitoba, Canada
Currently my ten gal is on an ancient sponge filter, (which I plan on moving to my new 5 gal tank) I've heard wonderful things about penguin filters and for my 10 gal I was recommended the Penguin Mini bio wheel power filter. I've seen people hanging a 125 penguin off the back of their tank but it seems like a bit of over kill and my fish scare easily enough with a bubbler. Today I took a trip down to my LFS and was about to pick up the mini penguin when a store associate mentioned that the whisper mini was a lot cheaper and would do a very comparable job. Not wanting to get ripped off I figured I'd hike my tail out of their and find out some other peoples comments the whispers is about 8 bucks cheaper but I am willing to dish out a little if the penguin is a superior product. :dunno:
rotfl at the whisper mini. I got one of those with my minibow 2.5. I haven't even set it up yet but I can't imagine it being the only filter on a 10 gal tank. Go with the penguin. I think my 125 is awesome and I know you wouldn't regret spending the extra couple bucks on it.

Oh I thought I'd add that yes, the 125 in a 10 gal tank is a bit of overkill. It creates a pretty strong current, but my fish don't seem to mind. IMO you can't have too much filtration :D
The Whisper is only good up to a 5 gallon tank, get the Penguin Mini. I have a Penguin going onto a 5 gallon soon.

I have the Whisper 40 on one of my 10G. It works great. The Whisper mini does not have a biological collection sponge. I don't like that.
I have the Penguin 125, also on a 10 Gal. I hate this filter. It is very loud. Sounds like a babbling brook running through the room. It also sprays water all over the place.
I have found water level has a big impact on penguin splasing and noise. If I keep the water level of the tank close to the lip of the filter it is relatively quiet and doest splash.



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