peng 170 vs 330


4k gallons and growing!
Dec 25, 2003
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Got the 330 up and running and guess what, it also has 2 little media baskets unlike the 170. This must be the type of thing yall have mentioned on the emperors. It has the 2 normal pad carbon pad sections as well!!!
Adrinal said:
Got the 330 up and running and guess what, it also has 2 little media baskets unlike the 170. This must be the type of thing yall have mentioned on the emperors. It has the 2 normal pad carbon pad sections as well!!!
I was thinking of using 2 330's on my 75 gallon tank, what do you think?
canarsie11 said:
Adrinal said:
Got the 330 up and running and guess what, it also has 2 little media baskets unlike the 170. This must be the type of thing yall have mentioned on the emperors. It has the 2 normal pad carbon pad sections as well!!!
I was thinking of using 2 330's on my 75 gallon tank, what do you think?
What type of fish are you planning to keep? If it's messy fish, like cichlids, I would suggest to go with a canister filter. Hang on Back filters don't really support enough media for the tank.
crazie.eddie said:
canarsie11 said:
Adrinal said:
Got the 330 up and running and guess what, it also has 2 little media baskets unlike the 170.  This must be the  type of thing yall have mentioned on the emperors.  It has the 2 normal pad carbon pad sections as well!!!
I was thinking of using 2 330's on my 75 gallon tank, what do you think?
What type of fish are you planning to keep? If it's messy fish, like cichlids, I would suggest to go with a canister filter. Hang on Back filters don't really support enough media for the tank.
Small fish since I am just starting out, mainly tetras, danios, and barbs!
canarsie11 said:
crazie.eddie said:
canarsie11 said:
Adrinal said:
Got the 330 up and running and guess what, it also has 2 little media baskets unlike the 170.  This must be the  type of thing yall have mentioned on the emperors.  It has the 2 normal pad carbon pad sections as well!!!
I was thinking of using 2 330's on my 75 gallon tank, what do you think?
What type of fish are you planning to keep? If it's messy fish, like cichlids, I would suggest to go with a canister filter. Hang on Back filters don't really support enough media for the tank.
Small fish since I am just starting out, mainly tetras, danios, and barbs!
:/ Im not sure those fish go good together...But I think a Penguin will do the job. In the end, its your decision though
drobbins27 said:
canarsie11 said:
Small fish since I am just starting out, mainly tetras, danios, and barbs!
:/ Im not sure those fish go good together...But I think a Penguin will do the job. In the end, its your decision though
The filter should be fine, but if you plan to get more fish or bigger fish in the future, your filter may not be sufficient. It's usually best to not skimp out on the filter, becuase somewhere down the line, you may regret it. Especially for a 75 gallon tank...Most people either go with Canister filters or Wet/Dry filters.

What kind of barbs do you plan to get?

Regarding the danios, I have heard that zebra danios tend to be fin nippers. So if you plan to get them, then don't get any angelfish or some other large finned fish.
Yep, its never worth the 10-30 bucks you save (pennys a day) to go with underfiltering.
Oh btw I have the 330 on a 10g tank. It is a nice flow, not strong by any means. The only tank I wouldn't put it on would be a planted FW.


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