Pencil Sea Urchin


Fish Fanatic
Sep 29, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, California
Happy Holidays :

I'm interested in trying to buy a pencil urchin to keep algae under control in my tank, but I'm wondering if they can really deal with algae that is one to two inches long.

I only have a 10 gallon tank and the people at the aquarium said that pencil urchins starve in most tanks, but I have NO coral and easily a square foot of hairline algae.

I'm reluctant to trim it. I'm hoping that something can eat it.

I bought a emerald crab 6 weeks ago, but he hides most of the time and has kept algae under control in one small area (near his cave dwelling).
Try adding a 2-3 micro hermit crabs to the mix. They should make short work of it.
Happy Holidays :

I'm interested in trying to buy a pencil urchin to keep algae under control in my tank, but I'm wondering if they can really deal with algae that is one to two inches long.

I only have a 10 gallon tank and the people at the aquarium said that pencil urchins starve in most tanks, but I have NO coral and easily a square foot of hairline algae.

I'm reluctant to trim it. I'm hoping that something can eat it.

I bought a emerald crab 6 weeks ago, but he hides most of the time and has kept algae under control in one small area (near his cave dwelling).

the problem with some creatures is that they eat algae at such a high pace that there isnt enough algae to support them in the future. since u have a 10 gallon tank, i would not recommend you buying an urchin, u might (10% chance) get away with a small one but i would doubt any bigger ones.

i know, sea urchins are soo cool! but if you want a good rate of success, u should go with a bigger tank. hermits and snails are good examples of the inhabitants u would want in a 10 gallon imo.

sorry i didnt state this in the beginning but there ARE sea urchins that move and eat incredibly slow and some that feed on live rock as well, well thats according to what i've read, (hard to believe lol). Some urchins grow to max size of like 1 inch, sorry i dont know the names of these urchins but if u can find one, that would be awesome. GL :good:
well ... I guess it would be better to get one that doesn't grow too quickly ... although I really like the pencil sea urchin and was just hoping to buy a small one maybe ..... then take him back to the aquarium if he gets too big.

regarding the hermit crab idea: I just don't want more crabs in my tank (I had a nightmare where I thought I had crabs in my bed).
I would agree that your tank is not really large enough for an urchin, the only one I might suggest is the tuxedo but then only if you have someone to pass it on to or are prepared to feed it

Seffie x
My LFS gives as little as 1/3 credit for returning something, so it is a problem. But if I can get something that I could keep for at least six months .... it may be worth it.

How is the tuxedo urchin better than the pencil urchin for a small tank though?

My tank has zero nitrates 24/7, but as something eats and clears the algae -- the reduction in the algae could cause an increase in nitrates. (So it's no wonder people are cautioning me about it.)

I think in a tank my size, too many crabs can creep out the fish -- so I think will stay with just the emerald crab.
If your emerald crab has done little to impact upon the level of hair algae after 6 weeks, its not going to impact that much more after that time, as its clearly growing quicker than the crab can consume it. They also tend to set up camp in one area of the tank and don't venture too far from it. This is evident from it only grazing on the hair algae directly around its cave.

If you have no corals then what is the problem with having slightly elevated nitrate levels??? You only require low nitrate levels if keeping corals and some inverts. If you have a FOWLR (I'm assuming that's what you have), then you are in all likelyhood, needlessly worrying about your NO3 level, as marine fish are significantly more tolerant of high nitrate levels, much more so that fresh water fish. Providing that your tank isn't heavily stocked (since its only 10G it shouldn't be) or majorly overfeeding and providing you are doing weekly water changes, then there is nothing to panic about.

Hermit crabs, especially the dwarf species like Clibanarius tricolor, Clibanarius Sp and Paguristes cadenati, will be more "creeped out" by a passing fish than the fish being affected by the hermit crabs. It is only the larger, more aggressive species of hermits that might be an issue with fish, and usually only bottom dwelling ones. You could pick up 1 or 2 hermit crabs for a £1 each in some cases.

The choices available to you are:

Next time you do a water change, put the rocks in a bucket with the water, get a new toothbrush and scrub the hair algae off. This is by far the simplest option.
Add creatures that will feed upon it, like hermit crabs, an abalone or some species of snail like astreas
Grow macro algae to out compete the hair algae for nutrients.
Have a DSB either in or connected to the tank that will feed on nitrates, in conjunction with running phosban in a reactor
Turn the lights in your tank off. Live rock doesn't need light to survive. Reducing the amount the tank receives will help to inhibit the growth of algae.
Learn to love hair algae
I was just thinking ahead -- that's why I mentioned the nitrates. I don't do water changes and have zero nitrates. I don't mind doing water changes if I have to though -- but I read somewhere that some urchins may be sensitive to nitrates.

I think I may take your suggestion and change the light from 10 hours a day to 8. I feel that the light helps my fish to know when to wake up and be active. (they will scarcely eat anything if I try to feed them before the light turns on in the morning)

I'm completely fixated on the idea of getting an urchin... but I'm able to face the possibility that I just can't have one in my 10 gallon tank.

I've already lost my gumdrop goby because he was hiding in algae when I was cleaning the tank and I must have picked him up with a clump of algae. He was not eating for some reason and had lost a lot of size and weight and had turned brown. But I felt he had a chance to recover and that he was handling life with the sixline wrasse with much more aplomb than when I first put him in the tank. I thought he had a chance and I feel bad about it. :no:

I did try to buy some coarse algae to compete with my hairline algae, but they were out of it the last time I looked for some.

anyway I'm pretty depressed and am probably not going to ad anything to the tank for a while.
It is disheartening when you lose a fish, or any creature in your tank for that matter and can be frustrating too if you're struggling with nuisance algae.

Personally, I think you should set out in your mind what it is that you want to achieve with your aquarium and then make yourself fully aware of what will be involved in attaining and maintaining your final stocking. At the moment you seem a little undecided and frustrated (we've all been there). Fishkeeping should be enjoyable and having an end game and a plan of action on how to go about achieving it, will definitely take a lot of the stress out of it. In your first post it seemed that getting rid of the hair algae was your main priority but your last post shows that keeping an urchin is actually what you want to do.

With that in mind, adding an urchin certainly is possible to do in your tank. At the moment there is an abundance of food readily available for it. What people were pointing out is that if the urchin eats the algae faster than it can replenish itself, then it will gradually starve to death (as will your mithrax) unless you supplement its diet with dried seaweed. This isn't a problem, as its just a case of adding a strip of nori into the tank - probably best done by attaching it first to a small piece of live rock with a rubber band or something like that. That way, the seaweed won't be moving around the tank and the urchin will be able to reach it. You could also try placing or holding the nori in its path. Alternatively you could try algae pellets, like those that are commonly fed to freshwater pleco's.

Pin cushion/tuxedo urchins are better for a nano tank as they only grow to around 3" in size. A pencil urchin can grow to 5", so purely from a size aspect, the tuxedo is the better option. I also think the tuxedos are significantly more attractive than pencil urchins. I've had a pencil urchin before. They are rarely seen as they hide when the lights are on and when they are visible, they really aren't the prettiest thing in the world lol.

If you do add one, then you will need to perform water changes. One, to remove the nitrates that may build up as a consequence of the hair algae being eaten. Secondly, it is highly likely that trace elements in the water will need to be replenished in order to maintain its health. At the moment your tank has reached an equilibrium, in the sense that the ammonia and subsequent nitrate that is produced by your fish is consumed by the hair algae down to non detectable levels. Obviously, as this gets eaten, and knocks your tank out of equilibrium, the NO3 levels will begin to rise and you may find that cyanobacteria spreads all over the sandbed or you're forever cleaning the glass.

If you have your heart set on an urchin then I'd suggest that you pick up a nice red or blue tuxedo. Plan ahead and purchase some nori, for when the time comes to suppliment its diet. I'd also get some Chaetomorpha. If you don't have a sump, then you can simply wedge it behind the back of the rocks. This will compete with the hair algae and help prevent other nuisance algae from gaining a foothold. Its not the most attractive stuff in the world but, it will consume the nitrates and phosphates in your tank. :good:
^ aggree with

but you said you had a sixline wrasse? i have a 20 and was told i wasnt able to take care of one so im pretty sure having half the tank space you probably shoudnt have one either, try a pink streaked wrasse

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