

Oct 29, 2004
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I ordered some Hikari Gold pellets online, as my lfs does'nt stock them - heard they were the best, from this forum.

He won't eat them! -_- He will swallow one then spit it out, as if to say :sick: I've been feeding him bloodworm, white and black mosquito larvae, daphnia - maybe I've spoiled him :blink:

Anyway, I suppose what I really want to know - is it ok just to feed him these frozen foods or should I persevere with the pellets as well?
ok well some bettas have to be pellet trained, or fed all pellets till they eat em. feeding them all frozen wont harm them at all as that is their natural diet-high protein. bettas are carnivores so dont worry about it.
Also, if you drop in a pellet and use to toothpick and move it across the surface of the water in front of his face, he will think its a bug and eat it. Works for me. Or he might just say, "Silly human, trix are for kids"
I have 8 Betta's and all but one will eat pellets. The one that won't..refuses to touch them. I tried for 2 weeks to get him to eat them, to no avail. I guess I'd be the same way though...if someone tried to force feed me tomatoes or turnip greens lol..YUCK :sick: .

I'd say stick with what you are have been serving a varied diet...and a good diet at that. No need to feed pellets at all, imo. Frozen/live is much better/healthy (although alot more time consuming/messy at times).

I do give mine guppy bite's every now and then when my fruit flies and/or flour beetle larvae are running low, but that's just for a standby for a few days til the population catches back up.
Thx everyone - it looks like my betta will eat like a king then - hmmm - I'm wrapped around another fishes fins!! :p
When I first got my betta he would turn up his nose at hbh betta bits but would gobble hikari in seconds. I fed just the hikari and frozen bloodworm for probaby a week or more and then tried the hbh again, and he ate it right up. So now he gets the hikari, hbh, frozen bloodworm, jarred daphnia and tonight I got him some tetra delica brine shrimp. :p Sometimes I think I spend more thought and $$ on his food than ours. :rolleyes:

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