I was looking to buy a dragon knife, Parapteronotus hasemani, and was told they are availible (invader, this is the east coast zoo place). However, I was also told they have a Pekin knife which I have never heard of. I did a quick google search and couldn't really find anything that told me specifically what it is. Just some guesses. Does anybody know what a Pekin knife might be?
The best thing you can do is ask John for a picture of it and then post it here. He only uses the common names (which totally sucks) so trying to find out what it is from that is very hard.
I've never heard of a Pekin knife.
Last time he had knives available, he had those huge white ones (forgot the name) that come from the depts of the Amazon. They are awesome, and that could be what he's talking about, but who knows.