pectoral fin ripped off?


im not the jedi i should be
May 30, 2004
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south carolina
ok so im moving everyone to the new 20L (see my dropsy thread) and i notice somehting red that looks like it is coming out of this girls gill. well it turns out it is the remains of one of her pectoral fins. i have no idea whether one of the other fish took it off (highly doubtful since she is the big honcho in the tank) or if i ripped it off while transferring her (i hope not :no: )
should i go ahead and put her in the 20? (everyone else is already in there plus i put polyaqua in there too)
or should i give her her own tank so it can heal? will it grow back?

well im off to get maracyn 2 for the other girl...



Well your probably know a whole lot more than me, but i would put her in her own bowl and treat her there. i dont really see the point in treating all of the fish at once -_-
i would definately separate her until she heals.
there is the possibility that the other fish might notice her disability and pick on her if she is with them while healing.
I agree, I would put her in her own tank for the time being. I don't see why the fin would not heal. :dunno:
Keep her water REALLY clean. My lovely crownie boy started out with his pec fin ripped off like that, and it quickly progressed to fin and body rot. I don't think his was caused by that, but you don't wanna take any chances. I'd say add a bit of salt, change some of the water everyday, and add meds if you choose to. If it were me, she'd be in some Bettamax. Watch for rot, and best of luck!!

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