Pecky's In My Kitchen.


Fish Addict
Dec 18, 2005
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Argh. Rain, rain and more rain. I can't leave the girls out in the rain, and they can't stay together because Margaret and Mable keep beating Pecky up. What to do, to do...

I had the five girls out together all morning with a rain cover on, and had Pecky in the hen house with the screen door on so she got some air and light, but by this afternoon it was blowing a hurricane and I had to put them away, and the second they got in together, they just jumped on poor Pecky :(

The good news is that the other five appear to have quit fighting with each other, I have all three Bad Girls in with the other two Good Girls and all is calm and quiet except for some random pocking noises, but Pecky is still fair game as far as the Bad Girls are concerned.

Pecky is in my kitchen now. On the counter. I put her in a big cage for the evening and brought her in, tomorrow I am going to have to set her up with her own apartment, down in Dylan's play house.

Everyone is actually enjoying having a chicken in the house, they really do make the coolest noises, and she has settled right in, she was fascinated watching me make the dinner. She's asleep now, she made a nest up one end of the cage and went to sleep sitting on the floor there. I thought she'd prefer the perch, but I guess not.

I may add some pictures of Pecky wander the house tomorrow.
Awwwww, poor Pecky.

We definately want pics. You cannot tease us with descriptions alone. :p
Yes we really do need some pics of her.

My husband wont go for a chicken in the house, so to keep down the pecking I have a tree, a plastic egg (drives them crazy) and a stump with a pair of blue jeans shoved on it in their yard. Distractions really help, but unfortunately got to keep coming up with new things.

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