Peas for bettas?


Why am I browsing a fish forum at 2am?
Oct 28, 2003
Reaction score
Camarillo, CA
Since I don't want anymore of my bettas getting dropsy I am going to feed peas every once in while cuz I read that it helps. How would I go about cooking, skinning, and cutting the peas so the bettas can eat them easily?
Is it hard to get bettas to eat their veggies?
Is there anything better then peas to feed?
well as you know bettas are carnivore and im not sure if they will eat peas. but i do for sure know that they like live foods. maybe you should try that.

-brine shrimp
-black worms
-baby brine shrimp
-vinegar eels

those are the main live foods that betta keeps should feed their bettas for potential health and grow but somtimes betta pellets should work.

and if your betta is ill or sick these meds could help them out

-aquarium salt
-betta remedy

hope your betta will soon get better
um actually bettas do eat peas and from what i know they like them very much. I know my bettas do. they also will eat zuccini and cucumber in small bits. these are good if they have swim bladder or are constipated, but dont feed too much. to give them peas just heat up a few frozen ones and peal it, you can cut it up and hand feed it, they usually will grab it right outta your hand :) hope that helps
I just discovered that mine loves peas as well. I mentioned last night to my daughter that peas are good for fish. In her wisdom, she decided to throw in one of hers from her dinner plate (good thing it was a bit squashed and the skin was loosened). The only problem is, it was a CANNED pea! Well, Tatsumi didn't care, he even went to the bottom to nibble at it, and did so through out the whole evening.

I shoud have taken it out (canned peas have way too much salt) but he was enjoying it so much that I didn't have the heart to take it away from him. :/
Well, my bettas aren't sick. I just had a dropsy miracle betta survive and don't want anymore problems.

I already feed pellets and live bloodworms...
I had never heard about feeding Betta's pea/vegies either before coming to this site. I figured I'd give it a try, as well, and put a little bit of mashed cooked pea into the tank.

My betta loved it...he didn't think twice about eating it - so I am also going to supplement his diet with some veggies every now and again.
Okay, so I thought my betta had dropsy :( , then I thought he was constipated because he wasn't lethargic, then he built a bubblenest :blink: . Crazee lil fella. So today, just in case I gave him a pea or two, and wouldn't you know, he liked them?! :wub: (not that I didn't belive you guys.....err.. :X .)

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