I posted below regarding my pearlscale, who I think has melanophore migration. I think, now looking at him, that he also has the beginnings of popeye on his left eye.
All of his other tankmates look fine, and water parameters are all well within normal limits (ammonia & nitrite = 0, nitrate = 30).
I have read about popeye and know that it is a symptom, not a disease in and of itself, but I am not sure what the next best course of action to take would be.
Any thoughts that you all have would be much appreciated.
All of his other tankmates look fine, and water parameters are all well within normal limits (ammonia & nitrite = 0, nitrate = 30).
I have read about popeye and know that it is a symptom, not a disease in and of itself, but I am not sure what the next best course of action to take would be.
Any thoughts that you all have would be much appreciated.