Pearl vs the Horse Fly


Fish Crazy
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Well, I was looking at my tank, and Pearl was having a complete and utter fit. He was doing flips, swimming around frantically, and darting about. So, I went to investigate. Low and behold, a horse fly had somehow managed to get into his section of the tank, and he was trying his darndest to eat the thing. Wasn't succeeding. I removed the fly, to say the least.

What kindas stuff can a horse fly bring into the tank? should I take any precautionary steps to protect the health of the betta?


picture a regular size fly, then picture that fly quadrupled in size. that is a horsefly. :angry: they are so gross and MEAN, as they will land on you and bite you.

as for taking care of the betta, as long as he didn't get bit, i would think he'd be okay. maybe wipe off the sides of the tank or wherever the horsefly landed.. just keep an eye on your betta and make sure he acts okay, eats okay, etc.
I think the most blatantly ovbious thing to do would be: cover the tank.

Horse flies are sometimes called sand flies.
i think ur fish will be fine!! if anything i think the fly would have been a good snack for ur betta :p after all in the wild they would confront all types of insects. unless the fly had been sprayed with a insect killer witch i had doubt if it was flying
This is a Horsefly.


Definitely cover the tank. Bettas can be jumpers and you don't want stuff falling or getting into the tank anyways. It shouldn't have contaminated the water with anything but you don't want something that can actually get in there.
The tank IS covered. It got in through the darned stupid filter hole or something.

Oh well, I'm just going to go on a fly exterminating "trip" and murder the blastid things. :)

Thanks for the input.

Thanks ;) I'd raid the non-fished portion of my apartment, but I lost the raid! :) I'll just run to the store and buy a flyswatter in a few... Heh.


My bettas look so happy healthy this morning! All vibrant, all energy... *stares at them* o_o


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