Pearl Gourami's Scared Stiff!


Fish Crazy
May 12, 2007
Reaction score
Berkshire, United Kingdom
Hi all,

We have just populated our tank with:
a pair of Pearl Gouramis
a pair of Sunset Gouramis
a small shoal of Cardinal Neons
a tri of Dutch Rams
a pair of Bristlenose

All seem really happy indeed apart from the Pearl Gouramis. They seem very shy to the degree that when we approached the tank this morning before feeding them for the first time they hid until we were very much gone. Last night though with the lights on after a couple of hours of them settling in they were fine, showing off their beauty.

The question is, will they be eating? We're worried that they won't eat as I have read that if they feel threatened they will hid and starve themselves :sad:

Will they eventually come around and get use to their environment? The tank has been set up perfectly for them and the other fish are not aggressive at all!

Martin :good:
PS The water composite is just fine with no Ammonia, no Nitrite, pH is 8.0 (max), Nitrate is just under 30mg
give them a couple of days to settle in, it's normal for fish to run away from you or not eat for a couple of days sometimes.

leave the tank lights off as much as your plants will allow to help them settle in.
give them a couple of days to settle in, it's normal for fish to run away from you or not eat for a couple of days sometimes.

leave the tank lights off as much as your plants will allow to help them settle in.

Hi Miss W,

We thought and hoped that was all it was, okay will do. They do get very jumpy at first eh. When the lights went off last night the female Sunset went bonkers!!! She knocked herself about silly, I think she even dazed herself a bit as after I saw her bash in to the glass and wood she swam a little crocked for a few seconds, seems okay now though.

Ah ha, just looked over and the Pearls are coming out now ( a little) :good:

Cheers again.

lol, yeah they do that, just give them a chance to settle

if they're still hiding and not eating after maybe 3/4 days then you can get concerned so post back then if it happens
Hi all,

We have just populated our tank with:
a pair of Pearl Gouramis
a pair of Sunset Gouramis
a small shoal of Cardinal Neons
a tri of Dutch Rams
a pair of Bristlenose

All seem really happy indeed apart from the Pearl Gouramis. They seem very shy to the degree that when we approached the tank this morning before feeding them for the first time they hid until we were very much gone. Last night though with the lights on after a couple of hours of them settling in they were fine, showing off their beauty.

The question is, will they be eating? We're worried that they won't eat as I have read that if they feel threatened they will hid and starve themselves :sad:

Will they eventually come around and get use to their environment? The tank has been set up perfectly for them and the other fish are not aggressive at all!

Martin :good:
PS The water composite is just fine with no Ammonia, no Nitrite, pH is 8.0 (max), Nitrate is just under 30mg


So glad to hear that you have got your fish at last. Hoping to get mine tomorrow if my readings are still okay tonight.
I'm also planning to get Pearl Gouramis so at least I won't be surprised now if they hide from me!

Well done on sticking to the fishless cycle :good:

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