Pearl Danois


New Member
Dec 10, 2004
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South Africa

I’ve only breed livebearers but that not to difficult. I not an experience fish breeder but I want to try and breed egg-laying fishes. I would like to breed my Pearl Danios. Can anyone help me in this matter? I have no idea where to start with this breading process.
If I can pull this off it would be a first!!!

I would like if somebody can help me with..

1. How to detect male and females?
2. The set up to breed them?
3. To take care of the fry?
4. Have anybody ever breed Pearl Danios? Is it possible in n home

Thank You For Your Help!!!
1. How to detect male and females?
Males are slim looking and females are plumper, when compaired to eachother
2. The set up to breed them?
see my website here
3. To take care of the fry?
again see my website
4. Have anybody ever breed Pearl Danios? Is it possible in n home
Yes on both accounts

If you have anymore questions feel free to ask here or via pm.
I would add the following tips (which are valid for all danios)

Use Soft water (temporarily hard water is ok if old but permanent hardness is a real passion killer)

give them some daphnia the day before before they go in the spawning tank

Once they are settled in the spawning tank up the temperature a couple of farenheit

Make sure that the spawning tank is in near total darkness at night

Place the spawning tank where it catches some morning sun and plan the spawning round the weather forecast for a clear morning.

Use marbles to protect the eggs because that way you will see some of the eggs on the tank floor and know they have spawned.

Other tip put the spawning tank in a quiet place as the fish will be a bit upset about being moved from the community tank.

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