Pearl Danios - breeding?


New Member
May 31, 2005
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Glasgow, Scotland
Hi all. I have 5 pearl danios, two of whom are slightly bigger so I think they're female. Usually they all just swim around the tank being quite active, even after water changes.

After my water change today they all went into hiding and now the two that I think are female are hiding under some wood. The three 'males' are swimming around as normal.

Can anyone explain this strange behaviour?
I doubt they are breeding, as the activness usually increases.
when you did your water change, di you use a declorinator?
have you done anything different than you normaly do?
are there any new tank decorations, plants etc?
have you re-arranged the decor at all?

any one of these could explain the behaviour, but it could
also be an indication of a possible health problem.
What are your water params?
Thankd Wolf. Water params are normal for me ie PH 7.2, Amm 0, Nitrite 0 and Nitrate 5-10. Did move some plants aorund, but I've done that before and they've not bothered. This is the first time in over 3 months I've seen them jittery and shy!

All the other fish (even the neons) are acting fine, so maybe it's just the Danio's acting up?

I used dechlorinator as always - no changes from usual routine.
Lethargy and inappetence are common symptoms of many diseases, so further investigation is essential

If several fish are lethargic, are not eating or eating very little and or
are skittish and shy it could be

1) Ectoparasite infestation. Check 2-3 fish for parasites or gill problems.

2) Early stage of bacterial disease. Examine fish for lesions, inflammation and ulceration.
Cheers Wolf. They're all out and about now, looking normal, if a bit skittish. They look fine, but will keep an eye on them over the next week or so.

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