Pearl And Zebra Danios


New Member
Dec 28, 2009
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At our LFS the other day, we asked for 5 zebra danios but when we got home one of them didnt have any stripes and i believe it is a pearl danio. I guess we should have had a look in the bag before we came home but i didnt notice and the shop was very busy at the time so the staff were rushing a bit. It seems as if the zebras sometimes chase the pearl or is this just normal behaviour? Should we take the Pearl back or keep her??? Thanks!
The pearl will need some of her own kind to shoal with. The zebras seem to know she is "other" and are taking advantage. If your tank can handle the bio-load and you have a mature filter, you should be OK to get another zebra and 4 pearls (to make 5 of each). You'll need to have at least a 60 litre tank to handle 8 full grown danios, though, as they're not as small as people think.

If you can't accommodate some more, return her.

Are you using these guys to cycle your tank?
Yes they are being used to cycle the tank. Think we will be best taking her back and just keeping the other 4.

Thanks for the help.
Yes they are being used to cycle the tank. Think we will be best taking her back and just keeping the other 4.

Thanks for the help.

If you are using fish to cycle the tank you need a decent liquid test kit that does at least ammonia and nitrites. Do you have this?

With a fish-in cycle you need to do large water changes on a daily basis to stop the fish getting poisoned by the ammonia and nitrites.

Tbh, you would be best taking them all back and doing a fishless cycle. That way you can avoid harming your fish and it gives you loads of time to plan what stock you want in your tank and sort the decor out.

Please have a read of this link, particuarly the bits on setting up a new tank and cycling.

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