I'd been wanting to turn my 125 gallons tank into a tank with so many species. Right now I have 1 male pearl gouramie n 3 females, 2 dwarf gouramis, one big white molly one big pineapple swordtail female another seordtail female normal size, 2 serpae tetras 9 platties 4 rainbow Australian fish 5 yo yo loaches 4 corys and 1 siamese algae eater.
What I want is to have the corys n yo you with 7 or 8 pearl gouramies n at least 5 German blue rams , would that work ???
This is not gonna happen anytime soon bcause I need t re house the mollies, swordtails, serpae tetras n Australian rainbows. I just want pearl gouramies n blue rams besides the bottom feeders.
Could that work between the pearl gouramies n the German blue rams ?
What I want is to have the corys n yo you with 7 or 8 pearl gouramies n at least 5 German blue rams , would that work ???
This is not gonna happen anytime soon bcause I need t re house the mollies, swordtails, serpae tetras n Australian rainbows. I just want pearl gouramies n blue rams besides the bottom feeders.
Could that work between the pearl gouramies n the German blue rams ?