Peacock Spiny Eel Suitable?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2005
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Hey Everyone,

I work at Petsmart and we recently got in a shipment of gorgeous, nicely sized Peacock eels. They're about six inches long...we usually get them a lot smaller. I've fallen in love with them, and was hoping to add one to my biggest tank. I don't think it would eat my swordtails, and I doubt that the Red Eye Tetras would be in much danger. I have a large sydontis euruptus, but im sure he can take care of himself. My only concern is my Cory Shoal...I have two albinos, a plaetus, and an emerald green. Would the Peacock Eel try to eat them?

Also, would the Eel be happy in my tank? It's established and healthy, and I just had the water tested. There is a three inch layer of sand on the bottom, and plenty of rocks and caves. It is a 33 gallon long...35 inches long. In it are two platies, three hi-fin neon pinapple swords, 5 red eyed tetras, 5 Cory's, and a moonlight gourami. There are also two rosey barbs, but they are going to a new home soon.

So, what do you think?
The eels will be fine with your fish, only tiny fish such as livebearer fry and very small tetras are in danger of being eaten.
i have a fire eel(see my sig)and it lived it's 1st year with me in a tank full of approx 20 neons and never ate 1.smaller the eel the better so it grows up with it's tankmates and doesnt know any a large eel may have been fed small neons etc in its past.hope this helps. :nod:
THanks a lot everyone! I might buy one today!

Will it be ok in the size of tank I have?
should be fine for now :nod:
Also, a sand substrate is best for them as they hide most of the time under the substrate and big peices of gravel may damage them, and they will only excpet live/frozen foods


I bought him/her! Speaking of there a way to figure it out? heh. It will help with naming, I guess. haha. I've already fallen in love <3 but...he's not burrowing at all, he's actually swimming around a lot. Is this a good/bad sign?

I bought a "frozen food alternative" it's REALLY soft krill far he hasn't accepted maybe I will have to buy some frozen? I have some, it's just a lot more expensive so I thought I'd atleast give this a try.
Sexing is accomplished by comparing size females are usually larger maturity is at 7 inches. When pregnant the belly is larger with a greenish tint apperently.


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