Peacock Gudgeons, Bettas And Goby?


Devils Advocate
May 24, 2004
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First, I just wanted to say I've been away from here for a while, so hi again :good:

Okay, here's the issue. I have a twenty gallon long that will be revamped from its current setup of gravel to sand, and currently houses a lone bristlenose pleco who is roughly 3-3.5 inches long (same size since I got him over four years ago).

I was mainly settled on an all female betta tank with the possibility of some cories and ghost shrimp. Of course then I started looking in the lfs and discovered they had peacock gudgeons and neat little things called rhinohorn gobies. All of these max out around 2.5 inches and under, and I started liking the idea of a tank of smaller interesting fish.

Problem is, I barely found out anything about the rhinohorns other than their size (about 1.5 in). I don't know how hard they are to keep especially food-wise, if it's okay to have more than one, or if they are aggressive. The things I have read about the peacocks say that they would be okay with other fish, but not sure how many of them I should get. And I'm not entirely sure how the bettas might behave with either of them, but I was going to get about six, so they'd have enough to spread any aggression out on each other and leave everyone else alone.

So if anyone can help that would be great.
I can help with the Peacock Gobies because I recently introduced a pair to live with my male Betta and his friends (see my sig).

For the first couple hours there was a little flaring from the Betta when he saw one of them but he wouldn't follow them around and there was no striking out either, just a little flash of flare and the Goby would scamper off. Since then the Betta is back to normal and ignores them completely. I have a coconut cave and the Gobies have made it home but will move out without hassle when the Betta wants to stop by and the Betta will wait for them to leave which is kinda interesting. The only trouble I had from the Gobies was that one of them (the male I think) and a male Forktail Rainbow decided they had to duke it out and had a few fights the first day or so, but the Rainbow got squarely beat and now stays away.

Ultimately it all depends on the Betta, I trust mine with other peaceful fish (except Oto's) and I keep nippers out so he is hassled. Sounds like you have females so it should be a lot more workable I'd think.
There's not a lot of info on the rhinohorn gobies, but what I can find suggests they may be brackish. Live in estuaries. Female bettas and peacock gudgeons would look fab, but I can't advise on whether it would work or not :blush:
Well, I'm going to find out more when I go to the store, they have a few marine biologist students wandering around. I was thinking about it last night and decided I'd add the peacocks first and let them settled into a feeding routine before I add the rhinos (if I can) and the bettas.
i see your from lancaster, i'm from lebanon
you must be talking about that pet place. do they still have the peacocks in? i've been waiting to get some, but want to get a 20 gal. first.

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