The Kribs (I'm taking this is Pelvicachromis pulcher) might be a problem. They are bottom dwellers, and so is the peacock gudgeon (Tateurndina occellicauda). Well, mostly, they swim everywhere, but more often near the bottom. They also find a cave or rock and make it their terrority. The P. pulcher do the same. So depending on the size of your tank, this might prove a problem. The T. occellicauda is no match to the pulcher, so they'd be killed very quickly should it come to a showdown.
But also, you say "a peacock goby", are planning on getting just one? If so, please don't!
They are a group fish (not school, but group) and he'll wither away if he's alone. Get at least a pair, but preferably a small group (not all males though, they'll fight).
Anyway, I'd not put them in the same tank as a P. pulcher. Actually, I'd put nothing in a tank with P. pulcher, but that's just me.