Peacock Eels


Fish Herder
Aug 29, 2006
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Hi just wondering what the minimum tank size was for peacock eels. And if they would go with the fish that I have.

3 platys
1 golden gourami
1 honey gourami
4 corys
2 yoyo loaches
1 rtbs
1 clown pleco
2 neon tetras
3 black skirt tetras
1 zebra danio
1 female betta
Sorry cane, but liking sand isnt really enough, they would need sand in my oppinion, I would never house my spiny eels in a gravel tank, simply because they cant dig.
So yeah you would need to change to sand (childrens play sand is best) if you have gravel :good:

Id say yes, especially with all the fish you have in that tank allready, but try one of the smaller species (both are in my profile) which get to only 8" max, so suitable for your tank. The peacocks grow to like 12-14" so they are much, bigger...

You mean the YellowTail Spiny Eels and Half Banded/Barred Spiny eels? So if I got one of these they could go in my tank?
Not with the fish you have in it already. Not only would you need to remove the gravel and replace it with sand, you'd have to remove a lot of the current inhabitants, a spiny eel simply isn't cut out to compete with those other fish.
I would also watch out with your rtbs in that tank - I don't know how big it is right now, but they certainly aren't community fish and it will harass its current tank mates like nothing you have ever seen.

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