Peacock Eels


May 30, 2006
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what are peacock eels like (personality)

how oftern do they come out ?
do they only come out at night?
are they hard to feed?

any other info will help

Hi there, in my experience my eel is always out swimming around foraging for food. My LFS also told me that they would hide in gravel most of the time, which i later found out was a bunch of BS. From what i have read online they only bury themselves when they feel threatened, or the water is out of whack. For feedeing they will usually give you trouble for a couple days or so, i found that soaking frozen whatever in garlic extract works great, he actually came up to the top and pulled a big chunk into his cave, as for personality they are great fun to have and fun to watch!!! hope this helps! :good:

I can second that info about them hiding.

Provide them with sand not sharp gravel, and plenty of plants - mine also have a plastic snake hide (hidden tastefully behind bogwood and plants), and they never bury themselves now as there is no need for them to do so. Its just an emergency escape behaviour, not an every day thing so as long as the tank has plenty of natural shelter from plants etc, they will be visible.

They wont take pellets or flake ever, but will take bloodworm etc, live or frozen and mosto people have managed to get them to take a variety of frozen foods.

It IS possible that other fish can outcompete them for food so be careful of this happening, if you think it is, then put the food straight to thebottom near the eel with a turkey baster.


thanks that is great info :good:

any one else that can add to this thanks


EDIT - i have sand in the tank. i only have one fake plant at the back but im going to get more fake plants as i have had now luck with live plants in this tank

From my personal experience it depends on the individual eel, they vary greatly in their habits and personalities. Some of mine seldom come out during the day while a few are happy to cruise the tank with the light on and my nose pressed up against the glass :lol:

Feeding also depends alot on the individual as well IME, most of mine are buggers when it comes to trying new things while others will take the occassional odd piece of frozen bloodworm, brine shrimp, flake, etc, etc (mine are fed a staple diet of blackworms, they all seem to like these the best and woof them down by the dozen, even the shy ones will at least half come out of the sand to snatch them at feeding time).

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