Peacock Eels


New Member
Feb 3, 2006
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What kind of live food would they eat. I have the frozen bloodworms and brine shrimp. If anyone could tell me their favorites I would appreciate it. Also, how often do I feed them? The girl at petsmart told me to feed them bloodworms like once every 2 weeks, but for some reason I think they would starve. Any info would be awesome. Thanks. :thumbs:
I have a peakock spiney and I feed it bloodworm once every 2 days, but that also feed the rest of my community tank. I would definately NOT leave it without food for more than 4 days, if you want to keep it healthy.
they dont move much so they dont need as much food which is where the lfs went wrong they will also eat mussels,cockles and prawns.with my experience i would say they love ghost and river shrimp the most
So I could buy some ghost shrimp and put them in there and the eels will eat when they are hungry. Thanks for all of the info. :D
Brine shrimp are practically barren of nutrients, I would suggest switching them to mysis if you are going to use them as part of their staple diet.

Blackworms are also an option and will live in the tank's substrate (sand is the best for this and your tank really should have sand if it contains eels anyway, it is a necessity IMO) for the eels to pick off as they feel the need.
Where can you get blackworms from? My husband wanted the eels before knowing what they would require. I don't have sand in my tank so is there any way I can work around that with them?

What exactly are blackworms, as I have heard of them befor but have never seen them. What is the difference between them and blood worms?
Bloodworms aren't actual worms, they are a larvae. Blackworms on the other hand are actual worms.

I'm not sure about over there but in Australia most good lfs stock them, either prepackaged or packed onsite. Packed onsite is the best way to get them IME as they are fed in the shop (and therefore better for the fish nutrient-wise) and are alot more lively when purchased.

They can be kept in the fridge in a container with about 2 inches or so of water and some oak leaves or fish flakes (I've read brown paper works too) to eat. The water should be changed daily so keep a bottle of water in the fridge to do this with.

Alternatively you could just do what I do and throw them straight in the tank where they will live in the substrate for the eels to pick off at leisure.

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