peacock eel


Fish Fanatic
Feb 6, 2004
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hey, i justed wanted to no if any of u guys culd tell me if i can keep a peacock eel in my 30 summin gal wit my seneglaus bichir and my firemouth?? give us ur opinions ASAP
i dont know really but i would have to say no the seneglaus could give that eel some trouble

But not sure
nah he wnt, i was just wondering bout room and size for the eel. My senegalus wuldnt bother anything he got bullied by a red tailed shark, a little one and i had to remove it lol.
i only thing you would have to worry about is over stocking your tank. Peacock eels grow to 14 inchs, so that is almost half of your fish limit, how big are yout other fish
My other fish are quite small, the senegalus is about 7 inches sumin like dat, and my firemouth isnt very big. The senegalus gets 2 12inch and the firemouth 6inch. I didnt get the eel i bought this very nice catfish called a syno angelicus. Wuld still like the eel but if there isnt enough room i wnt bother i thought they grew 2 about 12inch??

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