Peacock Eel Wont Eat!


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
I offer shrimp pellets algae tabs and frozen bloodworms...which my other generic spiny eel eats but can't get this gut to. He's about 7 or 8 inches and is always out n about. Its been a week and I have not seen him eat! Any tips? Is this normal
Well I can say just because you don't see him eat doesn't mean he's not doing it. I don't even think I saw my peacock eat for the first 2 months I had it.

My experience was they are very unenthusiastic eaters though. To my great frustration, many a time would frozen bloodworms, or even live worms, fall right in front of or on my eel, and it would just sit their collecting food on its head.
try live tubifex. always does the trick with mine. just be sure to wash it a couple of times before you feed
My peacock eels will only eat blackworms, and they realy chow down on them! I feed them through a dropper. They will even swim to the top the the tank when they see the dropper, wanting their food.
bummer...anyone have luck with them eating shrimp pellets? my other eel eats them like theres no tomorrow...i dont mind feeding live or frozen though.

the only problem is hes with more agressive feeders...and im not sure theres much food "to be found" after feeding time. he looks ok and tends to smile at me through the glass...he looks happy
My Eel wouldnt touch anything bar live bloodworm/tubifex

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