Peacock eel feeding troubles

Nov 8, 2010
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please help me! my peacock eel WILL NOT eat and i dont know and cant figure out the aquariums stats and i dont know where to get live foods im petstores!!! please help!
Where are you, UK or USA or elsewhere?

Most stores in the UK offer some form of live food on the counters i find. Usually bloodworm or daphnia. You could try gettinga bag of these and put them into the tank when the lights go off at night. You might find your eel is more nocturnal, so he could be finding scraps of food at night but not during the day. My armoured Bichir (different fish i know) feeds only at night mainly.

If you can't get out to a shop theres always eBay. Wherever you are people will ship products out to you, or deliver to your door. There are options available.

Do you know for sure if your eel is definately NOT eating at all? Don't want to sound patronising, buthave you ruled out hes not just being out competed for food from another fish that perhaps has the same food source? Just trying to think of things.
did you get your eel eating

you generally tempt them to eat with live bloodworm, they don;t seem to be able to resist it, you can tell of they are eating as they jerk there heads to grab the eel and generally make a jerking movement with their head to swallow it down
Did you get your eel eating? I have one in my tank and he seems to love to come out in a current and tends to eat whatever is left over when the lights go out. try turning off the lights and adding some blood worms. Mine does great with it. Also you don't have any fish picking on it do you?
no, she is pretty much the queen of the aquarium (zeke is the king) but whenever i put bloodworms in, zeke gets to them first. and there are NO stores where i can find live worms! (i live in the US)
You can buy blackworms online, They seem to love it. That's what I fed my peacock eel. Also use a turkey baster to force the worms it's way.

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