Peacock eel diet


New Member
Aug 1, 2005
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virginia beach,virginia
I just introduced a six inch peacock eel into my 29 gallon long tank. He doesn't seem very interested in the flakes that everyone else eats. I looked online and they are supposed to like all types of worms and larva. I have never seen fresh worms sold as food in the pet store. Maybe I just haven't looked that well. He seems very happy now with the hiding places I have made for him but I know he will be getting hungry soon. Any suggestions ? Thanks, Vince
Frozen (not freeze dried though) bloodworms should work just as well as live ones and they should be available from any half decent fish store.
There is also some more info. on the Peacock spiny eel in the Fish profiles section, under the category oddballs. :)
If worms or shrimp arn't available to you, you could always breed guppies and feed him the fry

Thanks everyone, I found some frozen bloodworms yesterday in my local pet store. All I have to do now is keep all the other fish from eating it all before he gets a chance to eat. He still seems a little shy in his new surrondings when it comes to eating otherwise moves all over the tank, I have seen him in all three of his hiding spots though. I think he likes it here. :clap:
I was told by a fish expert in the shop peacock eels don't do well on only frozen bloodworms but mine has and nearly doubled in size over the few months i've had him. :) :)
I use a moonglow tube over my tank and switch it on when the daylight tube goes off.It's the small tube,18 inches over a 4ft tank.This produces a dim light,a bit creepy really,and my eels are really active and that's when i feed them.They will now come to the top and get hand fed.

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