Peaceful Clowns?!?!?


Fish Herder
Jun 9, 2002
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Clown loaches ate one tetra, and decided they like the taste! They seem to think platy would be tasty. :sick: :sick:

They are new to the tank.

Is this normal at the beginning for clowns????

They aren't even big ... only 2" or so.

What can I do?
my clowns never botherd the other fish, then a couple of days ago i noticed the bigger of the 2 chasing one of the angels around and it was realy having a go at it, so i'm keeping my eye on it, the angels are a lot bigger than my clowns, i've always thought that clowns were fine along side other fish, so it will be intresting to hear any other peeps coments, :)
As most of you know I think Clown Loaches are the best and I have never seen any of my loaches attacking any other fish in the tank, and I would always recommend them for a community tank.
hi pete a :thumbs: never had trouble before , i'm hoping this was a one off
watched them since they seem fine :)
Well, no more death. Doesn't help that my 3 tetras were all single -- one neon, one black neon, one pristella. The neon is the one that bit it :-(

The pristella thinks s/he's a platy. So the black neon is a bit lonely, and probably vulnerable. Maybe a platy or gourami got that other tetra and the clowns just benefitted. Like hyenas. :S :S :crazy:
I've never had any problems with my clowns attacking other fish if anything it is the other way round :D :lol:
Likewise my clowns seem fine in the community, but are supposed to be happier in a group 4min - how many you got?

I got 2. I asked in an earlier thread about numbers of clowns needed and there was WIDE variation in response!!!
I have 5, and everything I've read about them says they should be kept in groups. Same as everything theres allways more than one view. Just thought it might have been a possible reason for your clowns behaviour - if indeed it was the clowns? :unsure:


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