peaceful cats for a 55


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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I want some nice peaceful catfish for a 55 gallon except corries and plecos.

It will have some live bearers and possibly some smaller tetras like priscilla, just havent decided to go with them or black skirt tetras
A small shoal of glass cats and a small synodontis species or maybe a group of porthole cats would work very well.

the portholes are nice.

if I was to move into semi agressive, what about then?

I am more thinking a bottem dweller, and dont glass cats swim around the top a bit?
What about pictus, i kinda like those.
How about a lovely bristlenose catfish. An ideal candidate for bottom feeders adn it also eats the algae.
wrs said:
the portholes are nice.

if I was to move into semi agressive, what about then?

I am more thinking a bottem dweller, and dont glass cats swim around the top a bit?
What about pictus, i kinda like those.
pictus's get to 6" and would most likely end up eating livebearers or tetras
Hi wrs :)

Both glass catfish and otos would be good choices for a peaceful community tank, but not for a semi-aggressive one.

I especially like the glass cats because, while they are shy and a bit fussy, they are almost unique. Their clear see-through bodies always get comments from people viewing them. :thumbs:

Otos are tiny sucker cats that would also go well with small fish. Like the glass cats, you would need to get a small group of them, but they are small and do not add much to the bio-load.

Here are the glass cats:
i got another idea, what about the Synodontis cats? I have always liked them.
maybe a syno ocellifer. They get 4-5" but are really heavy bodied. maybe a petricola would be ok
Oddball said:
synodontis nigreventis the upside down catfish, cute, small and a shaoler!
yeah ^^^^^^ what he said. The only bad thing i can think of is that u need probly 5 at least and everywhere i have seen them they are around 9$.
Upside down cats are cool! I just brought home 3 last night (the only three in the store) and will be getting 2 more next week.

They're active and fun to watch. I got mine for $5 each because they were fairly small.

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