
No one knows for sure but if they are a hybrid then my monesy on synspilium x midas/devil although I dont think you would just breed them together and get BP's.Theres probably all sorts of back crossing and line breeding to produce them.I have bred what are esentially BP's by breeding my male synspilium to a king kong parrot, out of about 30 I got 6 that are parrot shaped/coloured.
the world will never know.. for sure im not the world.. but i dont know what it is. .maybe one day, they will spill the bean :lol: right now its all about makin an as outta u and me ( ass-u-me) heheheh
I'll update you guys on my own breed of BP's, just now they look like little juvie BP's but I have no idea what they will look like when they get bigger.I hope they fade to yellow/oranage.

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