Parrots Afraid Of The Light


New Member
Feb 7, 2006
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I recently purchased 4 blood parrots and 1 firemouth cichlid, everytime I turn the tank light on all of these fish take off under the rocks and won't come out until I turn the light off. I also have to get 10 feet away because they are scared of any movement outside the tank. I hoping they will be a little more fearless as they mature??
I had noticed this when I got mine too. They are probably nervous and scared, it should stop in a matter of days.
exactly the same happened to my 2 parrots. i put a sheet of newspaper on top of the drip tray blocking some of the light, then gradually removed it over the course of the day. now they are fine!
The newspaper idea is great. You may also want to spend some time sitting perfectly still in front of your tank. They will eventually get used to you and stop hiding. It may take a while but just be patient and keep a close eye out for any physical problems. If they are hiding it will be hard to spot a problem before it's too late. :)
I ended up trying all these methods and now they show almost no fear and actually wait to be fed. Thanks for the help.
I ended up trying all these methods and now they show almost no fear and actually wait to be fed. Thanks for the help.

I will have to try some of these methods out as mine are in the spare room at home and don't get alot of movement, if i enter the room they hide immediatley and only come out when i put food in or when i exit the room...

Think i will have to spend soe time sitting in there with them instead of moving around alot.
my severums did, too kthem a few days, my silver dollars hid in the rocks in the day for like a month. ther fine now, but they also dart about everytime you fastly aprouch them, i supose this is normal. bt your fish will get used to it :)

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