Parrot Question


Fish Fanatic
Sep 17, 2006
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Is my 29 gallon tank large enough for a parrot cichlid? I keep hearing conflicting things
It depends on what else is going to be kept with the parrot cichlid. If the 29g tank is 3ft long then it should be fine for a parrot but I probably wouldn't add many other fish due to lack of space causing territorial aggression.
a parrot can get to 8 inches, and in my opinion thats not fair on the fish, they are stocky too, would you put a sev in a 30 gallon? no same with this species
a parrot can get to 8 inches, and in my opinion thats not fair on the fish, they are stocky too, would you put a sev in a 30 gallon? no same with this species

Thanks for your answers.

I guess I have to resign myself to no parrot, then, at least until I can get a bigger tank.

Will have to look into other possible cichlids- Hope I can find something else.
Is my 29 gallon tank large enough for a parrot cichlid? I keep hearing conflicting things

Point blank no..

Wouldnt be too bad on its own, if you had just the one fish, but then again, with the size your tank, and the one parrot in there, the tank will struggle to keep and maintain the good bacteria. Which your parrot will end up dying anyway.. Plus parrots are a cichlid, and do need big tanks to house slate and corals etc to bring the hardness of the water up. Dean
i've kept a pair of blood parrots before in a ten gallon tank before!
they seem to be pretty happy and the female even laid eggs but the male was infertile.
they bred 4 times and the result was no frys.
did a water change every week and the water is always clear.
it depends on the blood parrot i guess.
Oh and theres this hair salon place the my cousin gose to any the have 5 full grown blood parrots in a 50 gallon octagon tank with 1 common pleco and they seem to be doing fine the water was clear and the full grown blood parrots were like 5-6 inches.
so i would say 1 blood parrot would be ok for 29 gallon tank.
but thats my 0.02cents.
do what you want.
no one can call the aspca and turn you in for house a blood parrot in a 29 gallon tank so dont be afraid do what you like.
yea but it was the salon owners choice not my. :D
i had to common plecos that was out growing my 50 gallon tank so i traded them in for more fish food as i was running out.
both of the common plecos were around 12 inches in 2 years.
Wouldnt be too bad on its own, if you had just the one fish, but then again, with the size your tank, and the one parrot in there, the tank will struggle to keep and maintain the good bacteria. Which your parrot will end up dying anyway.. Plus parrots are a cichlid, and do need big tanks to house slate and corals etc to bring the hardness of the water up.
A big filter will control any ammonia that is produced, even if used on a small tank with lots of fish.
General hardness can be increased with mineral salts (rift lake water conditioner). However, it isn't necessary to increase the hardness for parrot cichlids because they are central American and come from soft water with a neutral to slightly acid PH.

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