Parrot fish


New Member
Mar 3, 2005
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lyons, il
I saw this really cool fish today. It was a Parrot fish it was a pink color and kinda round. I can't seem to find it on the web, the only thing i have found on parrot fish is not the one i'm looking for can anyone give me some info on this fish
i thought you could only get red ones!mine are red dunno they could be dyed?
Hunt round the web - you can get Parrots in multi colours

* Blood Parrot Cichlids, which a hybrid between the Red Devil and a Sevrum are being dipped to produce Red Parrots, Violet Parrots, Blue Parrots, Purple Parrots, Green Parrots, Gold Parrots, and Yellow Parrots. The Blood Parrot is being bred not to have tails
yea, the parrots that are dyed are called jelly bean parrots. I thought that they were a hybrid from red devil and severum, but then some one told me red devil and midas? now u say severeum. ...hmmmmm
petey Z said:
yea, the parrots that are dyed are called jelly bean parrots. I thought that they were a hybrid from red devil and severum, but then some one told me red devil and midas? now u say severeum. ...hmmmmm
The fish most commonly refered to as jellybean parrots are actually a mix of blood parrot and pink con ;)
They look a little different than your typical blood parrot (less... deformed :lol: ) and are usually dyed. Their natural colour is kinda pinkish. They're adorable, I think, but mean as hell!
I am interested in a yellow parrot fish i saw at my LFS.
I was wondering if anyone could tell me what fish they are and are not compatible with.
Kirsty, this is just a warning about the yellow blood parrot in particular.
Aside from the ethical point of few, the color doesn't last. They look all bright and pretty in the store, but they are just dyed albino's, and as they grow larger the color fades and the fish becomes a pretty lame yellow-grey. If you go for the original blood parrot (red) it will pay off long term.
I have only just found out about this dying of parrot fish which has put me off. However i think if i was to come across an undyed one i would be interested, i like their little faces :)

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