Parrot Fish?


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2005
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Hi I have recently set up my 4ft tank again as I put in another post. I decided to go with a catfish selection so far;

3x Hoplo
2x Network Synodontis
2X Bristlenose Plecs

I went to my local fish shop today, it is a small one but quite trust worthy and he had a small, young pink Parrot fish. I know these are frowned upon and sholdn't be encouraged but someone brought it back to him. I was hoping to give this a good home in my tank, I have done some reading on it but would like an opinion on whether it will be ok in my tank which will be all the same sort of fish as labelled and are all young aswell at the minute.

I was pretty sure I seen one sharing a tank with an oscar so my fish should be ok shouldn't they?
Thx in advance

I think it was Mrs Wiggle who had one with an Oscar, do u think it will be ok in mine?

Please could u advice as I want to go an get it 1st thing an god knows what kind of tank it might end up in otherwise.
I have a parrot fish (parrot cichlid) in my oscars tank... I originally had it with an coumunity tank I had awile back. The parrot chaiced and teased everything. And Ive seen in pic where they put them with angels. It chaiced them arround to.... So I put it with my oscar and they are doing fine.... But they will tease other tank mates so..... If you decide to do it, watch the parrot....
yea i had my parrot with my oscar and green terror

did great till it got a sick and died

wonderful fish i think
So do you have an oscar in that 4 foot tank?

All you had listed were catfish..

Is the parrot dyed pink? or is it pink like a pink convict?
Hi, no I dont have an Oscar in the 4ft tank. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I was just using it as an example of it being able to take care of itself. All the fish I have grow to about 6"+ so they should be able to handlle a bit of teasing I think. I'm not sure if it is dyed pink or not although I have seen pictures online of the same colour exactly. I do like the colour as most of my tank is going to be black, brown or grey but I also thought it would be a nice home for this fish which still needs looking after, even if it is a Hybrid. I think I will buy it, if he still has it. I will post pictures tomorrow, it is a lovely looking fish though and I feel quite sorry for it.
Is it this color pink

If it is ^^^ this fish, it will be quite aggressive, but shouldn't be too bad.

or dyed pink like this

If it is ^^^ it could still be aggressive, but not normally as aggressive as if it were the 1st pic.
Hi thx for the reply, ir is definately the 2nd one. It is only about 2". Do u have an idea to the size it will grow? They dont seem to say anywhere but I'm assuming a 4ft will be enough, plus I'm looking to upgrade within a year.
That is a parrot cichlid.. they grow to around 8''.. can be kinda aggressive, but most don't have mouths that can do a lot of damage.
Good on you for giving it a lovely new home. I've got 2 BP's and they're fantastic fish, right little characters (love their pot/cave, which they defend furiously, lol).

Can't wait to see some pics :D
I have two parrots in my tank. Had them for about 3 years now, and they are beautiful fish, and the subject of conversation regularly. I have them alongside a catfish, clown loach and a pleco as well - and it doesn't bother them at all. The pair I have are a breeding pair, but they only get as far as laying eggs, and then they munch them.

I would recommend them, but be warned that they like to re-arrange the tank, and will also munch most plants - anubias excepted.

Thx, only had him about 6hours and he is already munching a few plants :grr: . He looks great though, doesnt really seem to be bothering any of the other youngsters. I will definately post pics but cant get this damn camera working at the minute so probably tomorrow or Monday now. Thx for ur help.

Actually he has been having a little go at my Red Tailed Black Shark but nothing to worry about, that little battle should be great to watch actually without any real danger to either.
Note that the colour will dissappear after a while, if the stress etc. of the dyeing process doesn't kill it eventually...
Will it just fade to a dull pink?
Thx for ur help guys, I have only just got this camera working but here are a few pics I promised (not great, but I'm no photographer). I still need a bacground I know, plus I never wiped the front of ther tank till after the pics.My WebpageMy WebpageMy WebpageMy WebpageMy WebpageMy WebpageMy WebpageMy Webpage

Ok thats all I will put u through, I will try an take better pics an post them, thx for all ur help.

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