PArrot fish


Fish Addict
May 25, 2003
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Hi. could sum1 give me a website address 4 parrot fish or any info that ye have about it thanks :thumbs:
blood parrots can easily reach 8 inches in length and should be kept in a tank no smaller than 40 gallons.

jelly bean parrots reach about 6" and need a minimum of 33 gallon tank.
Hi, great site for blood parrots is Ellen is great runs a great site. Very good information about blood parrots. I have three of them and love them. They are such funny fish. Almost like a fish puppy dog. Beware, they can kill an oscar. One lady had a few in with an oscar, and the the oscar did not make it. Good luck Lynda
:band: i have 3 red oscars in with the parrot fish (blood) if the oscars breed will the fry be well protected against the parrot fish? :dunno:
The pair of Oscars will probably kill the Parrot once they spawn, unless the tank is very large (at least 6 feet long), so yes - I'd say the fry would be fairly well protected.

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