Parrot Fish Losing Colour-recently Moved Tank


New Member
May 21, 2006
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when i check the fish tank the parrot fish is occasionally on the bottom hardly moving and gone white,after a bit of food he livens up and returns to his normal colour after five or so minutes. however i have a spare tank in which i used to keep babies, they are big enough for the large tank so i swapped them over as the parrot fish can become aggressive. he has become discoloured, i gave him food about 2 hours ago and still no change could he just not like the new tank? am i doing something wrong as no other fish seems to be discoloured. i know that gold fish discolour in the same way if they do not have enough light could the same apply to my fishas in the old tank there was a light which would be turned on at the same time every day and this was when i noticed his original discolouring?

thank you fir helping
if hes gone a pail white colour it could be amonia poisoning, do an imideiate water change of about 20-30%.
i lost a nice bloodparrot to ammonia poisoning last year,
thanks a lot i will try that :) he returned back to a bright orange colour last night but this morning was pale again, and again today he is slowly changing back to bright orange
good luck, does his gills atall look inflamed ?
because when mine was dead it literaly suffocated in the amonia.
it was all pale with sticking out inflamed gills.
i lost VLAAD the choc in my sig the same way whilst in holland :(
good luck, does his gills atall look inflamed ?
because when mine was dead it literaly suffocated in the amonia.
it was all pale with sticking out inflamed gills.
i lost VLAAD the choc in my sig the same way whilst in holland :(
yup mood swings..or changing tanks syndromes..heheh.. at times, they just need time to adjust to their surrounding.. good luck and keep us posted!!

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