Parrot Fish Attack Me!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2006
Reaction score
Maryland, USA
Hi everyone,

I have two new blood parrots. They are very shy when i walk into the room. However, when i do tank maintenance, they bite me and my gravel vac constantly. Is this normal behavior? I hope when they get full grown they wont take a chunk of my hand :hyper:

sounds like u got a pair that are in love!!!!
they are willing to gaurd there territorie where they will try to breed.
it will take some time be4 they really trust u
sounds like u got a pair that are in love!!!!
they are willing to gaurd there territorie where they will try to breed.
it will take some time be4 they really trust u

You are right. I just spotted a little cluster of eggs in a fake tree stump i have in there. I can't believe as shy as they are when i approach the tank( these fish get crazy scared darting around and hiding) that they are brave enough to attack my hand.

Thanks for the input,
my male ram is the same, he doesnt hide when i go to the tank and when i put my hand in he starts nipping me and flicking his body against my hand, very funny to watch :)

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