parrot cichlids


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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Ive heard that parrot fish cichlid are community fish. i got some gouramis, angels, clown loaches, silver sharks and some mollys. i relly want one and i wanna no if they can go with my fish. any help would be kool.
probably work unless your parrot has severe retardation and is goes crazy. just keep an eye on your mollies
;) I had a parrot fish called John he was a right character and for some bizarre reason he became best friends with a Red rainbow fish!! They will eat anything that fits into their mouths! And i was told they do best in groups or at least with other cichlids the same size. Goodluck
kool. will he be okay in a 29 gal?
To be honest I don't think so, your angel are going to grow big as are the silver sharks and Parrot fish can grow pretty large too. Your fish might be small now but they will grow!! Unless you think you might get a bigger tank in the future.
ye this tank is temporary. but i relly want one. im gettin a bigger tank soon.
Depends on witch parrot your talking about. The blood parrot or parrot cichlids?
They are both agressive and need room of about 55g, mine is now biting my 10" oscar by the lip and twisting his body, watch out these fish are deformed midas/red devil cichlids so they are still a very powerful cichlid.

Vip said:
Depends on witch parrot your talking about. The blood parrot or parrot cichlids?
They are both agressive and need room of about 55g, mine is now biting my 10" oscar by the lip and twisting his body, watch out these fish are deformed midas/red devil cichlids so they are still a very powerful cichlid.

I always thought they were a convict/green terror cross? :dunno:
Heh, thats a new one (convict green terror cross) there deformed midas/red devils thats all. People say they are crossed with sevs, but yet im still to see a green parrot.
My parrot was sold to me as green, which he was but as he grew he went yellow!! There are lots of ideas what they are a cross of, all I know is that mine was the boss of the tank. I've met people before who were told their parrots would breed I was under the assumption they couldn't as they are hybrids :/
aloaring, sounds like you brought a jelly bean parrot, look at our pinned topics about these fish its not good at all.

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