

Fish Herder
Oct 6, 2006
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Are these good for eating algae?
Do they only eat certain kinds?
I hear about otos, but not these.
I looked them up, but was unable to find much real info on them.
I am looking for something for planted tanks that stays small. Would these be good?
Are they hardier than the oto?
Any real info on these fish would be great!
I have pretty much every kind of algae there is growing in my tank, and I really need to find something to help keep it under control. I really don't want to add chemicals, and I am getting really tired of cleaning the plants and wood. It grows too fast for me to keep it clean.
I also need to know if they will get along well with corys.

Thanks for helping! :good:
Are these good for eating algae? Fairly, but only off the substrate or low surfaces like rocks. They'll pick up pieces of gravel in their 'mouths' and roll them around cleaning as they go. They are excellent tank cleaners however and will quickly clear up any left over food.

Do they only eat certain kinds? They'll eat anything another Pleco would, i think (but don't quote me on this) this excludes the erm... red stuff :dunno:

I am looking for something for planted tanks that stays small. Would these be good? Would have thought so, what substrate do you have, sand/gravel? I think a mix suits these best, it is normally reccomended that you have some sand as they like to bury themselves from time to time. IME they'll grow to between 1.5"-2", the bigger the group the better really.

Are they hardier than the oto? Yes, certainly are. The info is debated but they have been apparently recorded as living in heavily polluted waters near settlements with high contents of faecal matter and general human detritus. Whether this is true or not, from what little i know they are certainly hardier than Otos.

Can't see why they wouldn't get on with cories, BUT if you are after something to clean plants, tank glass and other raised (non-horizontal?) surfaces you'd be better with Otos. Personally i think a combination of the 2 species would work best.
Also keep your eye out for contaminants when purchasing Pitbulls (the most commonly sold Parotocinclus species) like this chap/ette;
I have a parotocinclus in my 20 gallon and it's a great little character. Very efficient cleaner on my bogwood, gravel, rocks and heater, but not on the glass.
Also keep your eye out for contaminants when purchasing Pitbulls (the most commonly sold Parotocinclus species) like this chap/ette;
That ones a Gold Spot Dwarf Plec not a pitbull, very similar though so I shouldn't worry :)
Erm.... yep, hence me describing it as a contaminant.....
Keep your eye out for contaminants when purchasing Pitbulls like this chap/ette, followed by a picture of a spilosoma kind of suggests to me that i already know it isn't a Pitbull.....
Now i'm confused!?

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