Parasites, Eggs Or Something Else?

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Apr 9, 2013
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Can somebody please tell me what could be wrong with my neon have just notices this big bulge from her abdo I have 6 neons and she is the only one like this
The tank is not this colour just bad lighting from my phone
Thank you


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I can't see well enough in the photo to be sure if it's a fungal, bacterial, or parasitic infection but in my opinion the mass is too centralized to be eggs. A pregnant neon tends to have a wider distribution of the bulge.
it may be an internal parasite, but it also looks the same as what happens to my rummynose when they eat loads of food.  They get one big bump in the middle of their belly just like that.
maybe you overfed them or maybe its dropsy!
I don't have much experience yet, but that doesn't look like dropsy to me...Dropsy, if I remember correctly, looks more generalized to the whole body, and the scales stick out? I agree with Discuslove, she probably ate tons. My Neons sometimes used to get bulges like that, only never so big. Greedy fish ;)

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