Parasite Medication Suitable For Cories?


Fish Crazy
Oct 31, 2008
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Hi folks,I recently purchased some panda cories,they're doing ok,I'm watching them carefully and they are eating,swimming about etc.
I lost one,he was very small and a bit deformed so it wasn't much of a surprise.However,my remaining ones,although healthy looking,appear to have what looks like tiny white threads/worms? waving off the ends of their fins.They are miniscule,and hard to see if they are actually moving of their own accord or if it's the filter current moving them.
Now I know from reading here that cories can be a bit delicate and not suitable for all types of medication.Obviously,I am worried about them,and my other fish (which so far show no signs of this weird lurgy).
Can anyone with experience of treating parasite infection of these guys recommend a suitable brand of treatment for them?
Thanks in advance.
Pimafix will have no effect on internal parasites whatsoever....

likely effective drugs (all safe): levamisole, flubendazole, fenbendazole. They may require vet prescription in your country.
Fluke Tabs (easily available) may work, but may not be safe, if you use them, don't overdose and watch the fish carefully for signs of poisoning.

good luck
Hi Goodygumdrops :)

Are you sure they are really parasites? If you can't identify them, it might be best to not add anything to your tank.

The most common problem with corys are bacterial infections and if your pandas have this, it could cause deterioration of the fins, tail, barbells, etc. Please rule this out first.
Hi guys,I decided not to add any meds and just keep up the water changes,and whatever it is is gone!!Yay!!
Blimmin new fish syndrome,I hate lfs for fish purchases.I think I was worried that whatever med I used may actually do more harm than good.
Inchworm,I did wonder if it was some form of slime/covering hanging off the fins or actual parasites,but anyways,once again,clean water has bee the best medication.
Thanks for the input.

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