Paranoid Fishkeeper Needing Help Here!


Mostly New Member
Nov 30, 2013
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hi, rightill try to give all the info i can to help with my problem
I have a 64 Litre tank, had it for 4 months now,  did a fishless cycle. but the past 2 days ive been having some issues.
in my tank i have 12 neon tetra and 6 black phanton tetra, along with 2 gourami but the past 2 days they have been spending their time at the top of the tank, not gasping for air, but keeping the area above their eyes almost touching the surface of the water.
My water Parimiters are
pH - 7.0
Ammonia - 0ppm
Nitrite - 0ppm
Nitrate 5.0ppm
the tank isnt in direct sunlight, and the temperaure is steady at 26*c
i have done partial water changes and they do go back down into the tank, but after 30 mins they are back to the top again.
i had a PH problem a while back where it kept getting low, so i was advised to do 25% water change daily for a week, and that corrected it and my PH has been at 7.0 or there about since then..
Im very paranoid about this,
im thinking you may be over stocked. sounds like a lack of oxygen in the water are running an air stone that would help.
^ +1
Does point in the direction of lack of oxygen in the water. Adjust the filter to create more flow or as mentioned add an air pump with an air stone.
Hope it works out
yep, 1st think would be to somehow get the water surface agitated, preferably by filter, not only do your fish need oxygen but so does the bacteria that does the biological filtration :)
i have continued doing the partial water changes today, this seems to keep the fish happy, however i am going to buy a water pump tomorrow, i hope that has a good effect to the tank :)
Water pump is a good idea, this is what I did to aerate my tank when it's was way too stocked with feeder goldfish.
Be aware that they are REALLY loud tho.
l_l_l said:
Water pump is a good idea, this is what I did to aerate my tank when it's was way too stocked with feeder goldfish.
Be aware that they are REALLY loud tho.
It Appears to have fixed the problem, but your right, it is louder than the filter, but not too bad, i can live with it :)
Happy that your issue is solved :) However you might be better looking for a bigger tank if you want to make sure that your fishes are really happy ;)

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